Wednesday, December 19, 2007
Howdy all!
The month of December has just flown by!! For the first year ever, all my Christmas shopping is completed. (Only because I had to ship the gifts down to my parents!) My flight is confirmed and I leave on Saturday for Florida. I'm so excited! It's going to be a wonderful few days with my family; going to church on Christmas Eve, turkey dinner and presents on Christmas Day and of course, shopping and S.E.X.!!!! This time I'm going to find out if there are any other needlework shops in Jacksonville. Unfortunately, I'm going to have to board the puppies while I'm away. I was feeling guilty about having to leave them somewhere (even though they're staying at a wonderful vet's office), but once I found out the price my guilt turned to shock!! Their stay in the Doggie Hotel is costing more than my plane ticket! It's a good thing I love them pups:)
Yesterday was the last day of school for the kids. It was actually only a half day for the children, which is just so silly. I only had two kids show up, so we had a fun day eating snacks, playing and watching a Christmas movie. Today was a half day for us teachers, but our principal let us go at 10a.m., so I headed on to the gym for a workout.
Yes, believe it or not, I have finally pulled myself of the couch and found a gym. In January, I'm actually going to be teaching fitness classes for children with developmental delays. What fun! The gym has smaller versions of the strength training equipment for the kiddos, all hydraulic based which is safer for the children to use. I'm really looking forward to this, and also to building some muscle tone and losing a few inches, I hope.
I've continued to make progress on the baby sampler, and I'm going to stitch on it again this evening. I'll post a pic of it before I leave on Saturday.
Well, I'm off to stitch on Winnie:)
Quote of the Day
If you obey all the rules you miss all the fun.
Katherine Hepburn
Monday, December 3, 2007
Evening all. I'm not putting out a full fledged post this evening as there's a show on TV tonight I just have to see:) SciFi channel is playing a mini series called Tin Man - an updated adaptation of The Wizard of Oz. I saw part one last night, and now I've got to see parts 2 & 3! So, I'm off to stitch and watch:)
Monday, November 19, 2007
Good evening all! It's been a while since I've blogged so let me try and catch you up on everything. I've been keeping busy with school. I'm finding it very tiring this year, and there's a definite lack of motivation amongst the staff. With some of the behaviors in my room this year, it's definitely more physical work, and much slower progress. (Kinda like my progress on this blog). However, I do try to remind myself of all the progress they've made since I've known them. They really have come so far, even the little babes I just got this year. I am very proud of them:) That said, I'm very much looking forward to Thanksgiving and a few days off:)
On the stitching side of things, not a whole lot to report. I'm plugging away at the sampler - a few more nights where I actually stitch and I'll be stitchin on Winnie:) Once Winnie is well under way I get to pull out the new one I'm itching to do. I've got it all kitted up and sitting on the coffee table in the living room ready to go:) Tomorrow night will be all about the sampler tho - I plan to have a whole evening and night stitching my little heart out while watching tv!
With Thanksgiving arriving, so doth the DH! He's coming up from FL on Wednesday night. We'll do Thursday at his brother's house, shopping on Friday, and then I will show off my culinary skills *cough* and cook a turkey breast for Friday night. I did pretty good with it last year, so I'm hoping to at least live up to that standard this time around.
Well, even tho it's late and a school nite, I'm still playing EQ with the hubby. So I'm off to finish our raid, and then it's beddy byes for me.
Quote of the Day
"Never raise your hands to your kids. It leaves your groin unprotected."
Monday, October 29, 2007
Good Evening all!
It's been a while since I've blogged, but I've been staying pretty busy. Last week work was rougher. We consult with a firm from California, and once a quarter, someone comes out to the county, and works with us on best practices in Autism. It is a wonderful opportunity, but very taxing for the time they're here. I was feeling kinda ill this weekend, so stayed pretty lazy. (All my little kiddos who come to school sick and pass it on:) But now I'm pretty much back up to speed, I think.
Today I went to buy some fabbie for a pattern I bought while in Jacksonville. I thought I had the fabric I wanted already, but it turned out I just didn't have enough. So with no local stitching store I headed over to Michael's and got it and 2 DMC skeins. Then I had to run to Walmart, so I went to the closest one, which happens to be next to an A.C. Moore. They were having a going out of business sale, so I just had to check it out. I got my mom some wool (13 balls actually) and a pattern book for the baby stuff she's wanting to knit. And for me, I got the Gold Collection "Woodland Enchantress" kit (I've wanted that pattern for ages) and another Gold Collection one that has 4 pretty Christmas ornaments in it. (Like I need more stash!) But they are both beautiful, and I'm eager to start working on something new - as soon as the baby sampler is almost done.
Gail, I'm gonna email u tonight as requested. Sorry for the wait.
Homerism of the Day
"I don't know, Marge. Trying is the first step towards failure."
Monday, October 15, 2007
Howdy all!
This is us in downtown Jacksonville one evening. They have a nice little riverwalk, and we walked some of it before heading to the River City Brewing Company for a drink.
Friday, October 12, 2007
Good Evening from Jacksonville!
Wow, everything is soooo big down here! Chattanooga seems positively tiny compared to Jax. It takes forever to get around, but the streets are very well laid out, and it's actually pretty easy to find my way around.
I arrived on Saturday after a successful drive in the truck. A little tense at first, but I made it just fine. On Monday, we (DH, my parents,my two aunts and I) went down to St. Augustine for the day. It was beautiful, and a gorgeous day. There is a whole cobblestone street just filled with shops. It's wonderful to wander down the street and visit the stores. The Irish store is one of my faves of course:) Although I did bring my camera on this trip, I forgot to bring it down to St. Augustine with me, so I have no pics from there this time.
DH has worked the rest of the week, so I spent most days looking at houses and subdivisions. The real estate is a good deal more expensive down here than in Tennessee, but that just gives me more of an opportunity to explore ALL the houses and areas:)
Friday, I had a headache, so I spent the morning lazing around. It didn't go away, but I wanted to go out anyway, so I picked DH up at work, and we headed to the local cross stitch store. It's called A Stitch In Time and I spent a lovely hour purchasing patterns. Upon examining my loot when I got back to the apartment, I discovered that the little sampler used specialty threads, so I headed back to the store to pick them up today. All the ladies there are so friendly and helpful, and it's a wonderful store! I'm just so thrilled to be in a city with a cross stitch store. I've missed it.
Today, we headed out to Yulee to check out some subdivisions (which were very nice). Then off to the Jacksonville Zoo for a work party for DH. We had good food and wandered around a little checking out the animals. Then we headed out and drove down the coast heading home. We got to cross the river on a ferry. First time on a car ferry for DH, so it was lots of fun:)
Now we're heading out for dinner. I'll post pics and more news next week.
Homerism of the Day
"If there was any justice, my face would be on a bunch of crappy merchandise!"
Friday, October 5, 2007
Howdy all!
As you can see, the outside border is complete, and I'm now working on the green line that goes around inside of that. Shouldn't be too much longer before I'm stitching Winnie:)
I'm off to the bed now. I'll update you all ASAP, hopefully from the sunshine state itself:)
Quote of the Day
A positive attitude may not solve all your problems, but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort.
Herm Albright (1876 - 1944)
Wednesday, October 3, 2007
Dear friends,
I suck at blogging!!!! I just get so caught up in everything else I'm doing and forget about it, or when I do remember, it's so late, I'm too tired. However, I am not going to give up. I will push on and make a better effort. I know I promised an update pic of the baby sampler, and I finally got some batteries for the digital cam, so that will be forth coming. I found out today that the new baby will be a little boy - his name will be Henry Louis (after some baseball player) - and he's due on Feb. 11. I'll keep plugging away at the sampler, and start the name part after Christmas.
Next week is my fall break and that means a week long trip to see DH in Florida!!! He's found a little apartment down there now, so I'll drive a small truck down and bring him some furniture, and then fly home. A whole week with the hubby in Florida and no kids!!!! Life is grand:) With my parents and DB and SIL living nearby, I'll get to visit with them also. Two of my aunts are also visiting my folks. They flew in from N. Ireland yesterday, so I'll get to see them too!
Gail R asked about the type of children I teach. I do in fact teach children with autism. If you son read about a program here in Chattanooga in the public school system, chances are it's the one I work in, as we are the only program with that specialty. (Although that is not to say that all children with autism are in or belong in my program). It is a great program tho, and a most interesting, and tiring:) population to work with.
Well, I'm toodling off to bed. Tomorrow I get my hair chopped off:)
Homerism of the Day
"You're everywhere. You're omnivorous."
Wednesday, September 19, 2007
Good evening all! Well, things are finally settling down a bit, and I'm taking some time in front of the computer without any school work to do. I spent most of last evening with my co-teacher trying to complete some required paperwork. Our county decided over the summer that all of the special education paperwork had to be computerized. So rather than gradually phase it in, we have to enter everything on the child done since February! It's taking forever, and with my caseload the way it is, I'm doing it all at home in the evenings. It's a bit frustrating:( Ah well. What's a body to do:)
The kids have been a trial this week also. I've got a few new bruises, and some pretty bad scratches from one little boy. We're battling almost daily at the moment, and I'm honestly not sure who's winning!
I got to see DH this past weekend. He drove up from Florida on Friday night, and stayed until Sunday afternoon. It was great to spend time with him. We ate breakfast out both mornings (one at Cracker Barrel and one at IHOP). I love the crepes and sausages at IHOP!!!
I haven't stitched alot this week, but I did a bit last weekend (the one before DH visited). I'm planning on doing a few hours this weekend, then I'll post an update pic. I've been focused on the baby sampler - I'd really like to get it all done before Christmas. I've also dug out Celtic Angel again, just to see where I'm at. I may start working on that one soon. So many WIP's, so little time!
Well, I'm off to play EQ for a while before bed. The morning comes early, and the kiddos are wide awake always!
Quote of the Day
I can picture in my mind a world without war, a world without hate. And I can picture us attacking that world, because they'd never expect it.
Jack Handy. Deep Thoughts.
Monday, September 10, 2007
What a day! Two weeks ago one of my kitties, Anastasia, was limping, so I took her to the vet thinking it was a sprain or abscess. They drained it and sent her home. When we went back a couple of days later to get the drain tube out, the vet was concerned that all the swelling hadn't gone down. They x-rayed her and could see a mass, so they biopsied it. We got the results this morning, and it was a very aggressive form of cancer. The vet said the only possible treatment was amputation, and even then, due to the type of cancer, we probably wouldn't get it all out. So I made the difficult decision to have her put down. I already miss her terribly, and feel awful about having to do it. I know it was the right decision, and now she's not hurting, but that sure doesn't make it easier for me:(
Quote of the Day
"No amount of time can erase the memory of a good cat..."
Leo Dworken
Wednesday, September 5, 2007
Good Evening all!!! As you can tell, I'm having some trouble keeping up with my posting, and also with reading/posting on the other blogs I read. I'm trying to keep motivated to write, but this last week motivation for everything has been low:( I never noticed before how much the dogs annoy me when their daddy is not here! They follow me everywhere!! I'm feeling happier tonight because DH is coming home on September 14 for the weekend! Yeah me!!!! That's definately something to look forward to;) It will be great to spend some time with him, even if it is cleaning out the basement so I can start packing. (BTW, anyone wanna buy a house?) lol
Tonight I've been stitching on the Christ Church piece. I've been having difficulty settling down to get any stitching done this week, so I was glad to sit and talk to hubby and nephews on Skype and stitch for a couple of hours. It being the beginning of a new month, it's time to review last months goals, and set some new ones.
August Goals: 1. Start Christ Church piece - Yes
2. Work on Baby Sampler - Yes
3. Work on Noah's Ark - Nope
4. Work on Ho Ho Santa - Can't find it!!!!
(Gonna have to stash dive to find this one)
September Goals: 1. Work on Christ Church piece
2. Work on Baby Sampler
I think I'll just set two goals that way I'll be able to say yes to each at the end of the month!
Well, I'm off to bed for the evening. It's been a long day and I've had a couple of glasses of wine:)
9 days 'til hubby time!!!
Homerism of the Day
"Oh, honey, I didn't get drunk, I just went to a strange fantasy world."
Sunday, August 26, 2007
I'm baaaaack! :) It's been two weeks since my last post, but life here has been unbelievably busy! Wait until I tell you everything. The first two weeks with the kids are over, and boy is it going to be a tough year! I've got one little guy who can't sit still, so I have to have one of my assistants constantly by his side so he won't run off. I've got another who has been a little aggressive. He has scratched the crap out of both my assistants, and got me a few times too. Job hazards, LOL! But it is going to be a hard year, especially with a shortage of hands - too many one-on-one students and not enough adults.
So, last Friday (Aug. 17) my DH had a job interview. Routine stuff - go for the interview and wait for a week until they get back to you. DH called me right after the interview (per my request) and said it went good, and that he was on his way home. One hour later he calls back and says he got the job and starts on Aug. 27!!! The best news we've had in a while:) Well now onto the part that explains why our week has been so busy. His new job is in Florida, and as some of you know, we live in Tennessee. So this last week has been filled with getting him a place to stay, looking at apartments for more long-term living, and getting everything together for him to take down there. Since we still need my salary, especially with still having the house here, and him living there, I'm going to stay here for the rest of the school year, then move down to Florida. Hopefully by that time this house will sell. So, if you know anyone who wants to live in a super nice Chattanooga suburb neighbourhood, let me know:)
Since DH starts his brand new job tomorrow, he left this morning. He's now safely down there in his extended stay hotel room with kitchen and bath, which he says is the size of our master bedroom! Hopefully he'll be able to rent an apartment soon.
So now you're all caught up on my busy life. You can probably guess that I got no stitching done this week, but I'll make up for that this week:)
Homerism of the Day
"Well, you know boys, a nuclear reactor is a lot like a woman. You just have to read the manual and press the right button."
Sunday, August 12, 2007
Ahhhh, Sunday nights. I do enjoy them, but they always bring a Monday morning right behind them. Tomorrow the children come back for the first day. We are short people, so I'm not sure how it's going to go. I'll let you know tho:) Other than staff issues, I think I'm ready. I know all my kiddos but one, so no real surprises there. I've got some I know from last year and a few new babies. Should be an interesting year.
I have finally got my desktop computer back up and running!! It took a while, with a few other hardware issues, but it's going again. However, in the process, I managed to break my WinTV card, so no more watching TV on my computer:(
Tonight is EQ night, but I've put a few stitches in on my Church piece as I wait around in my game. I've decided that if I'm going to stitch at my desk while playing EQ, I'm going to need one of those desk Ott lamps. It's just too dark to do much except stab at a hole and then hold the piece up close to my face to see if it's the right hole! Not at all fun:( I do have a desk lamp, but a 60W bulb that close to my hands is a little warm. One day soon....
I have also discovered a new skin care line that I would love to use. It's called Kiehl's. My DSIL told me about it and got me a few samples of it a little while back. I finally decided to use them, and just loved it! The moisturizer was great, but the overnight bio peel was awesome!
Well, I'm off to play EQ for a while before I hit the sack.
Homerism of the Day (Welcome back to school!)
"One day you may achieve something that we Simpsons have dreamed about for generations. You may out smart someone."
Wednesday, August 8, 2007
Howdy everyone!
Well, here we are over half way thru my first week back at school, and I'm wishing I worked at Wal-mart!! Actually, it's been ok. Just makes me realize how much I really do like summer:) Right now I'm redoing my desktop computer. It crashed on Sunday morning - just out of the blue. Lost everything on it:( But, I've put together a new one, and am getting all my software back on it.
I was reading The Floss Box the other night, and saw that Emily had "Simpsonized" herself. Of course, my DH and I both being Simpson's fans, I had to do us as well. So here we are:)
What a hoot! Personally, I think I look fantastic:)
Homerism of the Day:
"Everytime I learn something new, it pushes some old stuff out of my head! Like that time I took a wine tasting course, and after, I couldn't remember how to drive."
Friday, August 3, 2007
What a wonderful day! I just love Friday's:) Well, the first two days of school are under my belt. If only the kids didn't have to come back!!!! Yesterday everyone in the county attended our opening convocation. Our guest speaker was Dr. Adolf Brown from Virginia. He was absolutely awesome! He spoke about his own childhood, and his children, and emphasized the fact that we teachers need to have room for every student in our classes, not just the good learners, and teacher-pleasers. Very energetic, honest and inspirational - not to mention cute:) Today was all about learning a new computer web-based program. BORING!!! However, one steak dinner and two glasses of wine later, life is looking rosy again! lol
Tonight is EQ night, so I'm not stitching, but like any good addict, I am thinking about it. Since it's the beginning of a new month, it's time to review last months goals, and then set some new ones.
July's Goals
1. Work on baby sampler - sure did:)
2. Finish the beach chairs - yup
3. At least pretend to work on Noah's Ark - I did take it out and look at it
Goals for August
1. Work on baby sampler
2. Start Christ Church piece
3. Work on Noah's Ark (for real this time)
4. Work on Ho Ho Santa
I think tomorrow I'll need to sort through some of my stash and find out what else I have in progress that I've forgotten about:)
Homerism of the Day
"You know that little ball you put on the aerial so you can find your car in the parking lot. That should be on every car."
Tuesday, July 31, 2007




DH and I trying to look pretty:)

As I mentioned in my last post, I did add a little to my stash while away on hols - some needles and three little bent creek patterns. I'm hoping mom can get the fourth one for me. The lady in the store said they would order it on their next order. Like I need more patterns:) But I think they're cute.
There wasn't a whole lot of time for stitching, but I got a tiny bit done on the sampler.
I think it's coming along nicely - might actually be done by the time the baby arrives! lol
I received some bad news today. One of my dear friends, and the best Speech Therapist I have ever worked with, Amy, just found out she has metastatized breast cancer in stage 4. She already battled and beat breast cancer a few years ago, but what she thought was a cold, and when she went to the Dr. was thought to be walking pneumonia, was actually cancer. It has spread to her lungs, liver and spine. I talked with her today, and she was in good spirits. She truly is a remarkable woman. So positive is she, that her comment was that I'd have to work with a bald SLP this school year! Send thoughts, prayers and good wishes her way whenever you can. I know I will be.
Quote of the Day
Perpetual optimism is a force multiplier. Colin Powell
Sunday, July 29, 2007
Good evening all! I am back from vaction and am absolutely wiped out! I think I need another vacation to recover from the one I just had. LOL Regardless, I had a wonderful time in GA. My folks live down on St. Simon's Island, and what a beauty that place is. I could definately get used to island living, given the opportunity. The area is gorgeous. It has a little village with shops and restaurants, and a pier to fish off. Lots of places to walk, and of course the beaches. I also found a little stitching shop and had a wander around it a couple of times. As some of you may realize, if you don't have a LNS, anytime you wander by one is a great time to add to your stash. Recently I had been on the search for new needles and my DH got some for me, and my mom bought me some little Bent Creek patterns I liked.
I'm going to spend the rest of this evening catching up on correspondence, and will post some pics of stitching and vacation tomorrow.
Homerism for the Day:
"As far as anyone knows, we're a nice normal family."
Friday, July 20, 2007
It's update pic time!! Now don't anyone giggle at how little I've done since last I showed it. Let's just say I'm very easily distracted! lol
I probably won't get a whole lot done on it this week. Pat and I are headed down to GA to visit my parents and brother and sister-in-law. It'll be a great week, but I don't forsee a whole lot of stitching going on. Today has been filled with packing and cleaning up the house - (I don't want the lady who's puppy sitting for us to think we're total slobs, so we're sweeping the visible dirt under the carpet:) And of course tonight is Harry Potter night!!!! Exciting stuff:) A midnight party at the local Books-a-million should be a hoot, and then on the road as early as possible tomorrow. I will continue to blog from lovely GA, hopefully with some pics of the area.
Quote Of The Day:
It's not true that I had nothing on. I had the radio on.Marilyn Monroe
Tuesday, July 17, 2007
Good evening all!
I have decided to change the look of my blog, repeatedly! I'm not sure why this has become such a big deal for me, but I feel like the graphics on my blog have to represent either me or the title. So far I've found very little for either category!! I shall, however, continue to diligently search. One day soon...
Now to answer a question. Gail R asked how big the daydreams beach was. The actual stitching is only 3.5 inches square. When matted the whole thing is 8 inches square. It really is a pretty little piece.
I'm working slowly on the baby sampler. I'll have another update pic by the weekend. It's coming along slowly but surely:) I'm actually enjoying stitching it, even if the border is a little boring, and it is on 14 ct aida. At least I can see the holes:)
Quote of the Day:
I am a deeply superficial person.
Happy Dance Time!!
Friday, July 13, 2007
Yes folks, it is time for a Happy Dance! I have finished the Daydreams Beach Scene. It's so pretty, and I already have it set up on my desk. Ahhh, it just makes me want to go on vacation to the beach.
Tonight I attended my first ever Mary Kay party. My neighbor Jen was hostess, and there were 5 of us altogether. I really had fun. I don't wear alot of anything on my face, and wasn't really sure if I would enjoy myself, but it was a hoot. And their product seemed great too! I may end up getting the moisturizer when DH is working again (because it is definately a little more pricey than what I usually get in Walmart!)
Quote Of The Day
The way my luck is running, if I was a politician I would be honest.
Wednesday, July 11, 2007
Harry Potter was GREAT!!! Good film, fantastic special effects. It even sorta followed the book:) I thoroughly enjoyed it. After the movie DH and I went to Red Lobster and enjoyed a seafood feast while discussing the finer points of the movie. I'm now home, full of fried shrimp and frankly a little sleepy
So much for stitching this evening, however, since I have the next two days off, I aim to get alot done. I'm also trying to keep in mind my other goals for this month, and am going to work on the Daydreams beach scene tomorrow (I sense an HD in the near future!)
All that being said, I'm heading off to lay my weary head.
Sunday, July 8, 2007
Thursday, July 5, 2007
Good Evening all!
I'm not sure if any of you play MMORPG's or not, but let me tell you all about it. First off, for those who don't know what it means, Massive Multi-player Online Role Playing Game. My DH and I play one called Everquest, and it is loads of fun!! Love it:) Today they did a patch or update for the game. Took them just over 10 hours to do it. Everyone knew about it, but man, all the complaining in the forums was unreal!! Someone was actually asking what on earth to do with Everquest being down this long! Were I not totally against talking to pathetic weirdos online, (nevermind how I met my hubby) I would have suggested he pick up a book and entertain himself for a minute. Just my 2 cents worth.
I hope that everyone had a delightful 4th. I managed to squeeze in a tiny bit of everything I enjoy. A little stitching, a little hiking, a little lounging in the sun, a little frolick in the lake, and a little Everquest. What a great day! Even the puppies had a blast, especially with the swimming part! They both looked like drowned rats:)
Now for the SBQ, and I like this one: Do you consider yourself a "floss miser?" I don't think I am a floss miser. I don't really have alot of different flosses. I do have most of the DMC colors, and when I can't find one I do tend to just go buy another one rather than hunt through my MANY other projects lying unloved. I do have a few unusual ones, specific things that I have bought in years gone by for certain projects never done. Other than that...nope, I just can't cop to being a miser!!
Well, I'm off to work on the sampler a little before bed. I do plan on having a progress pic to show you by the weekend.
Monday, July 2, 2007
Hello everyone!
As I said, my photography skills are subpar, and I do apologize, but at least you can get a glimpse of what I'm working on. I did count last night when I took pics - I have 8 WIP's, 1 wanna-be WIP, and 2 UFO's. Hmmm, is that a problem?
And now for the SBQ of the week: When you start a new work do you look for something small, do you look for another huge project or do you consider your UFOs? I always consider my UFO's, and try to pick one of them. Once I've done the noble think, and pulled out something I should be working on, I spend a night going through my stash and kitting up a new random project that I really want to start and do it too. That's why I have so many darn WIP's!!
Stitch lots, enjoy the sun and drink much wine.
Unexpected, but good news!
Tuesday, June 26, 2007
G'day to one and all!
It has been an interesting day:) I received some wonderful news yesterday that I can't wait to share with you all. I just found out that my younger brother and his wife are expecting their first child!! I'm soooo excited for them. I can hardly believe my baby brother is going to be a daddy! Yeah!!!!
On another upside, I do have something that resembles a web page up and running - just like I promised. There's not a whole lot on it right now, but I do plan to expand on it. Here is the link:
Hope you enjoy it.
Sunday, June 24, 2007
Howdy all!
Well, the weekend is at an end, and I feel like I've had no rest at all! MIL has been in town visiting, so we've had family dinners, BBQ's and picnics galore! Now she's up at Pat's brother's house before she heads home on Thursday.
School continues this week, but shorter hours and a short week, which I'm really glad about. I love working with the kiddies, but it does get tiring after a minute:)
Continuing on my lazy theme, I'm not gonna post any new pics tonight, however, I'm getting together a number of my stitching pics, and making a webpage, so I'll have it up and going by midweek. Please check back then. I'll also post some pics of my many WIP's (aka UFO's) and maybe be able to chart my progress and even get more accomplished.
Thank you all for your patience:)
It's finally Friday!!
Friday, June 22, 2007
Hey y'all!!
Thank you so much for all your good thoughts and prayers. Pat's interview went very well, and he also got a call this afternoon for a phone screening with another company. Hopefully we'll know something by Tuesday on one of them.
We've got MIL staying this weekend with us, and the wine is flowing freely, which never actually helps my typing, but makes the mistakes easier to laugh at:) We're planning a picnic tomorrow at the state park - BBQ and a lake. What a wonderful day! But tonight I'm simply sipping wine and blogging.
I do love Fridays. They give me such a sense of liberation. Almost like I'll never have to be accountable to anyone ever again, at least not until Monday.
I'm slowly working on a website to accompany my blog. I did start it earlier this evening, but I think I just managed to delete everything I had started, so I quit working at it.
Right now it's a balmy 86 degrees, and I think I'll finish my drink and take the puppies out for a walk.
Cheers and happy Friday!
Thursday, June 21, 2007
Good evening one and all! Thank you Dani for a great plug on your blog:) I tell you, I about fell outta my chair when I logged on this evening to see that I'd had over 30 visitors and 8 comments left for me!! Now that is motivation to keep blogging!
Hubby, Patrick and I. (He always cheeses for the camera, while I force a smile!!)
Day 1 - So it begins
Wednesday, June 20, 2007
Welcome to my blog! I'm not sure that anyone will ever read this, nor am I sure that I will keep this up - that all aside, here I go with a little background info.
My name is Claire. I'm 32 years old, married, no children, 2 dogs, 4 cats and some fish. I live in Tennessee with my loving, but incredibly annoying, husband Patrick. I am a special education teacher and he is a currenly out of work computer engineer.
Hmmm, my life sounds pretty dull, and I can hear you all ask why I am blogging. *WARNING* Honourable Mention Incoming! Well, blame it on one of my very few bestest friends in the world, Dani (BTW, check out her blog at ) I FINALLY began to check out her blog recently and loved the idea of it. Her blog and website have inspired me to new heights. Sadly, I am nowhere near as motivated as she is currently, so you'll all have to bear with me until I get the hang of this:)
Well I guess that's it for now. I do hope someone reads this and wants to know the names of all my animals.